current location: parking lot, leaning on sl500, near studio A
Singles 1218
We just re-released 7 standalone singles (including a new soundtrack cut) on a single "disc". The record spans 2012-2018.
Tracklist (with original release dates):
1) Kayla (2012)
2) Take Away (2012)
3) Summer God Complex (2014)
4) Woke up on the Moon (2015)
5) Moonlighting Mission Man (2017) ** - the link is to the visual short film**
6) Saturday (2018)
7) Hafiz Drinks from the Cup of Time (2018)
Where to stream (buy)
- Itunes
- Spotify
- Bandcamp
- Pandora
with love,
Feature film MAN now available on Amazon Prime featuring MIRS on the Soundtrack
Amir Motlagh's minimalist arthouse feature film about modern relationships and technology released on Amazon Prime US (UK). Free to Amazon Prime subscribers, $2.99 to rent, $9.99 to buy for regular customers. For international audiences or anyone who prefers a DRM free experience, the film is available on Vimeo On Demand for $2.00 USD equivalent to stream, $7.00 to buy.
MIRS features one track on the soundtrack, "Hafiz Drinks from the Cup of Time V1".
Hafiz Drinks from the Cup of Time v1 - MAN (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
New MIRS single HAFIZ DRINKS FROM THE CUP OF TIME V1 out now on Bandcamp. Full soundtrack releases early next week on all major platforms, with most of the tracks composed and produced by Chicago musician Stephen Holliger (swim ignorant fire).
MAN is directed by Amir Motlagh, written by Amir Motlagh & Charles Borg and produced by ANIMALS. The film stars Amir Motlagh & Rachel Sciacca. Available now on Vimeo On Demand, Amazon Prime in a few days, and a plethora of digital platforms soon to follow.
The new track is composed & produced by MIRS.
Working on the Material for the New Year
This was a wonderful year. We are working on new material to 10x next year. Peace + Love.
Official premiere of our visual single for "Moonlighting Mission Man"
It's finally here. Our latest work in support of the single, "Moonlighting MIssion Man" transposed into a standalone film titled, "what do you know of water's worth while standing on the banks of the euphrates".
written + directed + cinematography by amir motlagh
starring mahsa hosseini
“what do you know of water’s worth while standing on the banks of the euphrates” poem written & performed by mahsa hosseini
featuring (in order of appearance)
marcus omari
ladan ghoroghi
karna d. queen
mary lou woodward
project based on “moonlighting mission man” recorded &
performed by mirs
original soundtrack by mirs
produced + post production
charles borg
kitty bungalow charm school for wayward cats
© 2017 animals / amir motlagh
Original MIRS track included in the upcoming award winning film MAN
We scored an original track for the upcoming, award-winning arthouse feature film MAN, Keep an eye on this or go to for more info.
Spotify Playlists that include MIRS music
Got wind of several new playlists that include MIRS tracks from the CANYON ep (Sleepless + Streetlight) on Spotify. Two come from online music mainstay, The Music Ninja. Both playlists include some amazing tracks. Give them a play & follow.