flwr & flwr (b-side)
release: 06-03-22
artwork by amir motlagh
flwr & flwr (b-side)
release: 06-03-22
artwork by amir motlagh
mirs wonders into the desert in search of an old friend.
written & directed by Amir Motlagh
music performed as "mirs" from the single, "fourxfour" now available.
((youtube & vimeo embeds below))
We just re-released 7 standalone singles (including a new soundtrack cut) on a single "disc". The record spans 2012-2018.
Tracklist (with original release dates):
1) Kayla (2012)
2) Take Away (2012)
3) Summer God Complex (2014)
4) Woke up on the Moon (2015)
5) Moonlighting Mission Man (2017) ** - the link is to the visual short film**
6) Saturday (2018)
7) Hafiz Drinks from the Cup of Time (2018)
Where to stream (buy)
- Itunes
- Spotify
- Bandcamp
- Pandora
with love,
Amir Motlagh's minimalist arthouse feature film about modern relationships and technology released on Amazon Prime US (UK). Free to Amazon Prime subscribers, $2.99 to rent, $9.99 to buy for regular customers. For international audiences or anyone who prefers a DRM free experience, the film is available on Vimeo On Demand for $2.00 USD equivalent to stream, $7.00 to buy.
MIRS features one track on the soundtrack, "Hafiz Drinks from the Cup of Time V1".
Episode 54 of the Zebras in America podcast hosted by Pinnland Empire (Marcus Pinn & Scott Thorough) features an interview with our creator, Amir Motlagh. Listen in as we discuss MIRS, two new feature films slated for release in 2018 (MAN + THREE WORLDS) and a host of other things.
MIRS music is embedded subliminally in both films.
Filmmaker and musician Amir Motlagh comes through to have an insightful conversation about techmology, music, access, and singularity. He has two films slated to be released this year. Scott quotes Lil B. Favorite rapper lists are made. Friendships are formed. We read an email. Hot takes are made. Peep his work- https://www.amirmotlagh.com/ Follow Amir on Friendster or twitter @amirmotlagh Email us at ZebrasPod@gmail.com Tweet us at @ZebrasPod Scott is doing a charity walk https://www.theovernight.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=25411 Survey https://goo.gl/forms/tFjRm4p0aHFHds1h2
MIRS has an original composition in the upcoming feature film project, MAN This is the first available teaser trailer.
Most of the music was done by Chicago based sound engineer/musician Stephen Holliger and it's absolutely terrific.
Click here for the current landing page, or here for the IMDB profile.
Directed by Amir Motlagh
Written by Amir Motlagh & Charles Borg
Produced by Charles Borg + ANIMALS
Rachel Sciacca
Amir Motlagh
Original Music by Stephen Holliger + MIRS
1/3 of the THREE MARKS, TOO MANY SIGNALS trilogy.
We're stoked to report that next Tuesday, Nov 28th, 2017 is our visual single premiere for MOONLIGHTING MISSION MAN, though, it's also a completely standalone film with a different title altogether; "what do you know of water's worth while standing on the banks of the euphrates".
We produced a completely original score for this as well. Tune in. ✌🏾
Late Nov or early Dec, we premiere our new short film, "visual single" concept, what do you know of waters worth while standing on the banks of the euphrates. the film pairs with the new MIRS single, MOONLIGHTING MISSION MAN available on all platforms now.
© 2024 Mirs / Amir Motlagh